Members of the baby-boom generation--people  born between 1946-1964--constitiute nearly 1/3 or the U.S. population.  Baby boomers have recieved more education than their parents, and women are more likely to enter the labor force.  They have delayed marriage and parenthood and have fewer children compared to their parents.  They are more likely to divorce, to bear children wile unmarried, and to cohabit.  As they grow older, what impact
Nathan Martin
9/26/2011 06:02:22 am

Impact what???

Troy S.
9/26/2011 06:04:39 am

It seems as though there is a character limit. I agree with Nathan. (heehee)

Nathan Martin
9/26/2011 06:05:16 am

Troy is right. Limits suck.

9/26/2011 07:58:20 am

Response :)
I agree with Nathan, there's no question.

p.s. Mr. Cripe i don't think you have mastered this yet! :p

9/26/2011 07:59:59 am

Ummm? I dont know the answer to this. :p
I agree with Trinity you havnt got this down yet Mr. Cripe

9/26/2011 08:48:22 am

What impact would this have on future generations?
--Women will be more independent and not feel the need to only rely on a husband or boyfriend which give them a sort of empowerment.

9/26/2011 10:00:09 am

I do believe to a degree that children are receiving more education than there parents could of acquired. The smarter woman become they may feel like they shouldn't have to stay home; so they will go and get jobs.

I would have to agree with Darlene woman are becoming more independent; so they don't need to rely on men.

p.s. Mr. Cripe you spelled while wrong.

Mr. Cripe
9/26/2011 10:14:26 am

What impact will baby boomers have on the American population in the years ahead.

Mr. Cripe
9/26/2011 10:16:06 am

Sorry guys, I have typed in the last part of the paragraph that was cut off, I do believe though, as smart as all of you are, that you could of figured out the question on your own. And yes limits suck.

9/26/2011 10:23:22 am

The baby boomers will constitute a larger elderly population putting more strain on the younger population to take care of them in the future U.S.

I agree with Dylan in that children are receiving more education than there parents could have ever gotton.

9/26/2011 10:40:01 am

Baby boomers really impacted future generations. Women now are more independent. There are single mothers, divorced couples, and female leaders. This gives future generations a chance to receive more education as well. Baby boomers also increased the population which helepd the US move along on the Demographic Transition model.

9/26/2011 10:42:33 am

I agree with Jacob because there won't be enough people today to support the baby boomer population. We may stuggle to take care of everyone born in that time period.

Troy S.
9/26/2011 11:24:06 am

I have a feeling that social security will be hurt more from the baby boomer generation than anything else. While we are putting money into it, it is going towards those who are old enough to receive it. Once the baby boomers get into that age, we won't be able to support that.
I can't say I really agree with anyone, since no one made the argument about social security.

Chase H.
9/26/2011 11:37:57 am

the baby boomers will have to rely greatly on the younger people to support them. if the younger population fails to support them the baby boomers will suffer and may diminish easier than if the older population were equivalent to the younger population.
i agree with emily because the education of women and women becoming more powerful puts child birth at a lower priority

9/26/2011 12:30:17 pm

I agree that women are becoming more dependent and more educated, but while some baby boomers will make it on there own a large majority still rely on others to support them. Troy is right, they will rely on the younger generation and we won't be able to support them.

9/26/2011 01:05:12 pm

I agree with Troy that as the baby boomer generation ages, they will definetly put a strain on social security and rely on the younger generations to support them and that may be something that is not entirely possible. I also agree that women are now more educated which makes child birth a lower priority and with the aging baby boomer generation and women not having as many children, the United States may see zero or negative population growth in the near future.

9/26/2011 09:37:36 pm

The baby boomer generation is deffinatly much more independent. They figured out how to raise children on there own and to be strong. The problem is in the future the younger generation will have to be veryy strong in order to support the baby boomer generation.

I agree with Anna thought, that many people rely on others to support them but in the future others will anyway so i shouldnt make a differnce even though that is just sad.

9/27/2011 10:05:00 am

Well when all the baby boomers are in retirement they will look to us younger generations to support them to live after they can no longer work. When these boomers retire they'll suck all the money of the social security fund and it'll not be around for us.

I agree with Emily. Woman have gained more empowerment. They more rights within the community of the U.S. Also they have increased the population. They make our country of a cup shaped pyramid.

9/27/2011 11:30:04 am

I think the baby boomer generation will have mostly a negative effect on our country. Because such a large portion of our population becomes dependents at around the same time could place a strain on our economy.

9/27/2011 02:28:21 pm

I agree with Jacob the population will not be as large as the baby boomer population

Also, todays education adds far more stress and and difficulty than the past.

9/27/2011 10:56:36 pm

The population grew a derasttice amount because of all the babies being born.

But i agree with clayton because it did hurt our economy and social security.

9/29/2011 09:22:35 am

Okayy so to make a graph on word you have to go to insert chart. you then pick the type of chart you want to use and it will pull up an excel sheet. it will have numbers in it already so you just change the numbers and catogry names. it changes the chart as you go.

9/29/2011 09:46:01 am

i got to the charts, but i dont know what to fill out, i have an idea that i want to put down the stages, and the key, and the cbr,cdr, and nri, but i dont know where to put i am so confused right now..

9/29/2011 10:41:50 am

9/29/2011 10:43:05 am

the key should come up when you get the chart and when you change the catagory name itll change the name on the chart. You just have to change everything to what you want it to say and itll change it all itself

9/29/2011 11:47:51 am

Okaaaaay. Open office instructions:

First click Insert and then go down to "Object..." and click "Chart"

Right-click and click Insert Titles to put in the titles and name the x-axis and y-axis.

Right-click and click Chart Data Table to insert any information.


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