Members of the baby-boom generation--people  born between 1946-1964--constitiute nearly 1/3 or the U.S. population.  Baby boomers have recieved more education than their parents, and women are more likely to enter the labor force.  They have delayed marriage and parenthood and have fewer children compared to their parents.  They are more likely to divorce, to bear children wile unmarried, and to cohabit.  As they grow older, what impact
Paul and Anne Ehrlich argue in the Populaiton Explosion (1990) that a baby born in an MDC such as the United States poses a graver threat to global overpopulation than a baby born in and LDC.  The reason is that people in MDC's place much higher demands on the world's supply of energy, good, and other limited resources.  Do you agree with this view?  Why?
Exam is finished, study the power point and notes, vocab is very important